Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Juvenile Brahminy Kite

Hello~ I was driving around and decided to go to a foundry / workshop kinda place which owned by a friend of my uncle.. And the worker there told me they had an eagle ( juvenile Brahminy Kite ) in captive.. I'm so happy that day because I never brought my camera to my workplace and when I finally decide to bring it to workplace for once and I got a chance to shoot an eagle in less than two feet away..

Beware!! Juvi Brahminy Kite eagle on the prowl~

This Juvi Brahminy Kite was in a cage if some of you didn't know.. I bet some of you didn't noticed the cage eh? ;p

But there's a sad story about this juvenile eagle, it had a broken wing.. I guess it couldn't fly anymore.. But atleast the guy over there to look after it and feed it.. Actually we don't know if the Veterinarian can treat this poor eagle or not.. Will try to ask if they will send it to vet or not when I go there again..


  1. stunning pictures.

    my blog : http://www.christianyuen.blogspot.com/

    greetings from hong kong.

    ╰╮o( ̄▽ ̄///)


    1. Hihi~~ Sorry for late reply~ Din really have much time to use my comp or even my camera for the last week till now~ Thanks for viewing~ :)
