Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Juvenile Brahminy Kite

Hello~ I was driving around and decided to go to a foundry / workshop kinda place which owned by a friend of my uncle.. And the worker there told me they had an eagle ( juvenile Brahminy Kite ) in captive.. I'm so happy that day because I never brought my camera to my workplace and when I finally decide to bring it to workplace for once and I got a chance to shoot an eagle in less than two feet away..

Beware!! Juvi Brahminy Kite eagle on the prowl~

This Juvi Brahminy Kite was in a cage if some of you didn't know.. I bet some of you didn't noticed the cage eh? ;p

But there's a sad story about this juvenile eagle, it had a broken wing.. I guess it couldn't fly anymore.. But atleast the guy over there to look after it and feed it.. Actually we don't know if the Veterinarian can treat this poor eagle or not.. Will try to ask if they will send it to vet or not when I go there again..

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Teluk Batik - 2nd visit

Hello~ Took my GND filters to a nearby beach ( Teluk Batik) of the town again to have some shots with it~ 
Was trying to get low angle shots like last time's but didn't know that day was a high tide day~ :( 
Thought I could get low angle shots but ended up my pant wet out.. :s 

So, I get up high instead to take some shots from different perspective.. and I got this~ 2 guys sitting on the rock fishing~ I have to admit.. These 2 guys are as steady as rock~ Note that I'm into long exposure shooting recently and these 2 guys didn't move at all for 1 or 3 seconds of all those shots.. I took multiple shots like this and only a few are blurred because they are doing something.. Else they sit like this.. O.O!!
Steady as rock guys~ 

There are other guys fishing there but they are constantly moving their body so I couldn't get shots like this from them.. :( 

Moving on~ Sun was down the horizon and I don't like to continue shooting after sunset because I don't feel safe with all the stuff and most of the time it's just me alone going to photoshoot~ Plus with all the reports of snatch thief, robbers and my country's most fucktard idiotic minister of transportation told the goddamn newspaper that the district I'm living in got the most richest people living here as well.. So.. I guess all the crimes are coming in because of the news... 

Just as I was prepared to head back.. Suddenly something caught my eyes.. And I shot this~

After this, I packed everything and heading back home~ 

When I was driving back and a small road caught my eye and I head in.. ( It was my first time going in that road and I don't know why my instinct managed to persuade me to get in there) 

It was still blue hours when I was in there, so I unpack and shot this scene~ 
Marina Island, Pangkor~

I glad I decided to go that day even thou I didn't get the result I wanted but hey, sometimes we don't get what we wanted in our life, but don't give up too early, you might get something else better in return~ :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Teluk Batik

Hi all!!!! Went to Teluk Batik with my GND filter to take a few shots~ It wasn't so bad after all ~ It was a low tide day so there were many small stones exposed for the waves to hit and create bubbles~ Aren't they look gorgeous? ;)

Sometimes listening to the sound of the waves really relaxes your mind after a long day of hard work~

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cameron trip

So~ I was invited to Cameron Highland by GF's mum.. She ( GF's mum ) wanted to go have a short gathering with her family up there and I'm responsible to babysit my GF :D

We were in a small car consists of me, my GF, her mum and her sister~ We started the journey around 1.30am and reached outskirts of Cameron Highland @ around 3 a.m.

And I was supposed to drive throughout the journey but somehow I couldn't sleep properly :( .. Because~ 1. I'm going to meet my GF's long heard scary maternal family ( it ended ok.. I guess?) ... 2. I'm going to babysit my GF :D 3. My 1st Milky shoot~

^ The photo above is one of my first barely visible shots of the milky way..
Some say that we cannot see the milky way from the earth.. Well you cannot see the milky way if you dont try to find it..

To start.. you need find a place that's have very less or no light pollution at all ( the best ) and you only have a few hours to find it.. To know where to look for.. When you reached a dark area without light pollution and there are many stars up there~ get your compass out and find east.. When you do.. do keep your eyes sharp and looking for a small white thingy like a cloud where you can see from the picture above..

I wanted to post more but most of the pictures are about the same and I've lost my golden time window of 3-5am.. after the sky started to fill with clouds~ Enough with the wall of texts~ 2 more of my Cameron Highland's milky way shots below~

After the cloud's moving in, we decided to go on top of a hill near Brinchang for Sunrise..

Shot this lousy lightning shot inside the car while trying to have a nap before sunrise..

The sun decided not to give me a visit that morning~

It was ok at the beginning and then it gets harsh.. So I took my GND filter to the rescue~ :D
Sunrise saved by my Lee GND filter~ :D
Now.. Some people asked me why I bought a "plastic" which worth RM390.. The picture on the left shows why.. If you're still unsatisfied with my answer I'll do a post next time explaining further details~

And the sunrise photos below by are shot with the GND filter handheld.. Because I'm too poor to buy the holder~ lolzz..

So... How how how??? How's my sunrise?? Ok la.. Not that good.. :(

And the we went to a waterfall around Tanah Rata? I think?
Didn't have too much photos with the waterfall~ :( I suck with waterfall photography :(

Ending this post with a photo of me and my GF at the waterfall~ :) Pic stolen from PicaBlocks.blogspot.com :p

p.s. Met the maternal family.. Not as scary as I originally thought.. Maybe because I haven't talked to them and I was told not to talk to them except they talk to me 1st??  But they really talk to each other without mercy one... ‎( ゚д゚)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Kg Baru

Hi~ Just got myself a GND .9h from Lee Filters few days back~ :D and decided to went to a small fishing village to take some sunset shots with it~ First time using a filter so not really know how to use.. Thou I was hoping I had one on my trip to Labuan~

I never thought filter can be this useful~ lawl.. I know I know~ I iz slowpoke~ ><

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Labuan trip

Hello World~ Gonna kick off the 1st post with my trip to W.P. Labuan of Malaysia along with my beautiful girlfriend, Natasha~ We went there from the 19th tooooooo the 22nd of April, 2012~

Well it's an ( idk what size ) island which located somewhere west of the eastern peninsular Sabah state~ 
We had plans to visit Brunei, but time was our enemy~ so most of the trip was going here and there but mostly was visiting uncle friend's relatives there who owns a small factory which made carbonated soft drinks~ which is very cool~ free soft drinks~ hurray~ ( no pics thou~ : )

Now here's the sunset pano view from the apartment that we were staying during the trip~
Not bad for staying.. just that I don't like the free room cleaning service.. 

Woke up around 4am early in the morning to find a suitable place to score my 1st sunrise @ Labuan~ 
And more of my sunrise shots below~~

Good morning Labuan~

 And we went to a famous beach in W.P. Labuan for me to do ma thing~ Shooting Sunset~ Honestly the sunset was awesome!!! Sadly I didn't came prepared...

This is the entourage that went there for the short holiday~ and that's me on the 1st on the left :p and my sweetheart beside me :)

 My uncle's friend ( standing right ) with his family~

 I just like the water droplets near the hand of the little girl..

A lil hermit crab that's moving around on the beach~

Eating time when it's still too early for sunset~
And the it came!! Sunset of Layang-Layangan beach of W.P. Labuan~

That day's sunset was amazing!! But I didn't went prepared.. I will be practice and learn more so that one day I will bring amazing photos to the world~ 

Ending with a photo of me and my GF at W.P. Labuan~ sorry for my messy hair~ ><

Saturday, October 8, 2011